OREA January 17th, 2025 Board Meeting Agenda
President: Dawn Cope
Vice-President: Vera Kraft
Secretary: Robin Bobek
Treasurer: Steve Keim
Board members:
Lise Mouthaan
Scott Cope
Angela Sherman
OREA Board Meeting and Annual Membership meeting
January 17th, 2025, at 6:00 pm
Hadley Community Church
3638 Hadley Road
Hadley, MI 48440
Call the meeting to order.
Review and approval of the December 17th, 2024 meeting minutes.
Review and approval of Treasurer’s Report. This report is on the website for review.
Current balance $14095.81
82 Memberships
DNR Projects
Repair of bridge at creek crossing between marker #1 and #2 (Scott working on repair drawing)
Creek crossing needs limestone on both side of bridge and at east side of creek.
Grind stumps: by picket post campsite 11, roots campsite 10, by porta potty in day use area.
Finish installation of manure bunker.
Update on DNR approval of the Day Use Area project:
WIP approved
Sage DNR SE Michigan Trails Rep, looking for $100,000+ project for DNR RTP funding for equestrians. Amy Scharmen-Burgdolf sent Sage OREA’s Day Use project plan. RTP is a 3-year process.
New sign for Day Use Area
Vault toilet:
Estimate per Stephanie DNR $4,000. Vault is free!!
DNR Friends Partnership grant for the Day Use vault toilet.
New fence and gate installation at the campground entrance.
Temporary chain installed
Solar well in for 2025 project approval
Dawn to meet with Stephanie (field trip), re: adding existing trails, trails to roads and parking areas to official trail map.
Strategy Committee Report.
Formed February 7th, 2024. Members Steve Keim, Robin Bobek, Dawn Cope, Scott Cope.
Stop sign at the intersection of Hadley and Fox Lake
Dawn, Scott, and Robin will go to the LCRC Office and talk to the highway engineer after the new year
Work Bees:
2/3/24 and/or 2/15/24 Clear Autumn Olive from trails.
4/19/24 before WHAM Judge Trail Ride event
Before Poker Ride/Spring Event
Install Corrals at sites 11 & 12 before 4/25/25/ WHAM event
Move rocks
Add existing trails and trails to roads and parking areas to the official trails (See DNR projects)
Build Corrals: New corrals at sites 11 and 12. Complete by April 25th, 2025 WHAM JTR
Identify Trail Maintenance needs:
A survey of the entire official trail system was conducted.
A report was created identifying 10 maintenance projects with a total estimated cost of $21,000.
This report was forwarded to Amy Scharmen-Burgdolf on October 21st, 2024. She presented it to the DNR leadership. It was also sent to Stephanie (DNR) and the OREA Board.
Vault Toilet for the Day Use Area (See DNR project above)
Day Use Area Project (See DNR project above)
Committees: Strategy/Establish Communications, Fund Raiser/Activities, and Membership committees
Strategy: Co-chairs: Steve, Scott, Dawn, Robin
Fundraiser/Activities: Chair: Angella Sherman, Leanne Sawvel, Lise Mouthaan, Dawn Cope.
Communications: Searching for potential members. Steve Keim, Dawn Cope, ???
Membership: (On hold) Membership committee to recommend cost & benefits of a business membership
Build Kiosk in campground west of the trail entrance
Scott to provide sketch with estimate (Currently working on it. Partially completed)
Confidence Course and Kids Loop
Board members to walk loop. Dawn to schedule - tentatively for sometime in January.
Next step is to mark the Kids Loop and clear the trail.
Part of the Kid’s Loops and Confidence Course has been marked out and cleared.
Need to complete marking of Kids Loop and have work bee to clear.
Once clearing is completed, a meeting will be scheduled with Donna Maria to identify areas for specific obstacles.
Discussion to include round pen.
Fundraiser/Activities Committee Report
Chair: Angella Sherman, Leanne Sawvel, Lise Mouthaan, Dawn Cope.
Saddle Up Magazine – Thank you Steve for the great Article for January issue. Hopefully Steve can produce another article for the February issue?
Dawn and Lise to talk with Tracy Evans in January 2025 to discuss OREA online merchandise.
Dawn and DNR are working with the Austin Streeter, Eagle Scout who is going to complete a Historical research and marker project on the Ortonville Equestrian Trail System.
Dawn will be following up with Austin once he gets approval to go forward with his proposed Eagle scout Project. Any updates?
Dawn and Lise checking on cost of asphalt milling for campsite parking pads.
The Activities committee report: Chairperson Ang Sherman
DNR Friends Group Match Grant Program.
Dawn was unable to complete the application due to no DNR WIP for the solar well.
OREA Election update from Robin
2025 Elections
The OREA secretary received one new nomination for the Board of Directors from the membership.
Jodi Myers was nominated for a position on the OREA Board of Directors.
Vera Kraft has chosen to step down from her position of Vice President.
So the Nominees for the Board of Directors are Dawn Cope, Steve Keim, Robin Bobek, Lise Mouthaan, Angella Sherman, Jodi Myers, and Scott Cope.
Are there any other nominations? (open to all current OREA members in attendance) If no nominations…..
Hearing no other nominations, do I have a motion and a second to elect the following OREA board members Dawn Cope, Steve Keim, Robin Bobek, Lise Mouthaan, Angella Sherman, Jodi Myers, and Scott Cope?
All in favor? Are there any apposed.
We will do the election of each of the Officers of the Association separately.
Officers are nominated and elected by the Board of Directors.
Do I have a nomination for the office of Secretary?
Motion and a second to elect _______ as Secretary?
All in favor? Any opposed?
Do I have a nomination for the Office of Treasurer?
Motion and a second to elect _______ as Treasurer?
All in favor? Any opposed?
Do I have a nomination for the Office of Vice President?
Motion and a second to elect _______ as Vice President?
All in favor? Any opposed?
Do I have a nomination for the Office of President?
Motion and a second to elect _______ as President?
All in favor? Any opposed?
2024 OREA Annual Report presentation during dinner.
Any items of new business?
Next regular meeting: February 18th, 2025, meet at the DNR office on Hurd Road.
Meeting adjourned.
OREA December 17th, 2024 Board Meeting Minutes
President: Dawn Cope
Vice-President: Vera Kraft
Secretary: Robin Bobek
Treasurer: Steve Keim
Board members:
Lise Mouthaan
Scott Cope
Angela Sherman
OREA Board Meeting
December 17th, 2024, at 6:00 pm
DNR Ortonville Head Quarters
5779 Hadley Road
Ortonville, MI
Present: Kenny Whittaker (DNR Representative), Dawn Cope, Scott Cope, Vera Kraft, Steve Keim, Robin Bobek
Virtual: Lise Mouthaan, Ang Sherman, Nancy Green-Duffy
Meeting called to order 6:11 p.m.
November minutes approved. Motion to accept by Scott Cope, 2nd by Lise Mouthaan, all in favor.
Steve Keim presented the Treasurer’s report. This report is on the website for review.
Current balance $14114.97
79 Memberships
Motion to accept report by Lise Mouthaan, 2nd by Vera Kraft, all in favor.
DNR Projects
Kenny reviewed these agenda items with us:
Pit toilet: still on for matching grant.
We are on list for monies for day use area.
Solar well:
Green initiative approval won't be until later in 2025
Matching grant, our amount is paid at project time (contact Matt Lincoln).
Fund raiser?
Manure bunker – beginning in spring. Goal for this and gate, corral: 4/27/25.
Temporary gate for campground: put chain with PVC over it. 25 feet? To measure.
Motion made to approve $400.00 for PVC, chain, reflective tape. Dawn Cope motioned to accept, 2nd by Robin Bobek, all in favor.
Discussion on Harvest fest: Weekend of October 24-26th tentatively (last weekend of month). This will be a joint effort between DNR and Orea.
Purchase lanterns? ($10.00 each). We borrowed from 7 lakes DNR this past year, possibly borrow again?
Dawn to talk to Stephanie re: Harvest fest
Strategy Committee Report.
Formed February 7th, 2024. Members Steve Keim, Robin Bobek, Dawn Cope, Scott Cope.
Stop sign at the intersection of Hadley and Fox Lake
Dawn, Scott, and Robin will go to the LCRC Office and talk to the highway engineer after the new year
Work Bees:
2/3/24 and/or 2/15/24 Clear Autumn Olive from trails.
4/19/24 before WHAM Judge Trail Ride event
Before Poker Ride/Spring Event
Install Corrals at sites 11 & 12 before 4/25/25/ WHAM event
Move rocksJ
Add existing trails and trails to roads and parking areas to the official trails (See DNR projects)
Discussion re adding existing trails, trails to roads, to official trails (see agenda under DNR projects). Make trails accessible for emergencies.
Build Corrals: New corrals at sites 11 and 12. Complete by April 25th, 2025 WHAM JTR
Identify Trail Maintenance needs:
A survey of the entire official trail system was conducted.
A report was created identifying 10 maintenance projects with a total estimated cost of $21,000.
This report was forwarded to Amy Scharmen-Burgdolf on October 21st, 2024. She presented it to the DNR leadership. It was also sent to Stephanie (DNR) and the OREA Board.
Vault Toilet for the Day Use Area (See DNR project above)
Day Use Area Project (See DNR project above)
Committees: Strategy/Establish Communications, Fund Raiser/Activities, and Membership committees
Strategy: Co-chairs: Steve, Scott, Dawn, Robin
Fundraiser/Activities: Chair: Angella Sherman, Leanne Sawvel, Lise Mouthaan, Dawn Cope.
Communications: Searching for potential members. Steve Keim, Dawn Cope, ???
Membership: (On hold) Membership committee to recommend cost & benefits of a business membership
Build Kiosk in campground west of the trail entrance
Scott to provide sketch with estimate (Currently working on it. Partially completed)
Confidence Course and Kids Loop
Board members to walk loop. Dawn to schedule - tentatively for sometime in January.
Next step is to mark the Kids Loop and clear the trail.
Part of the Kid’s Loops and Confidence Course has been marked out and cleared.
Need to complete marking of Kids Loop and have work bee to clear.
Once clearing is completed, a meeting will be scheduled with Donna Maria to identify areas for specific obstacles.
Discussion to include round pen.
OREA 2025 goals presented. We will add to goals as we go forward. Motion to accept Dawn Cope, 2nd by Lise Mouthaan, all in favor.
Fundraiser/Activities Committee Report
Chair: Angella Sherman, Leanne Sawvel, Lise Mouthaan, Dawn Cope.
The Activities committee met on December 10
January 17th Annual Meeting.
Gift exchange $20.00.
Potluck: bring dish to pass,
OREA to provide ham.
To check on booth for MHC expo (Ang).
We will need give away items.
Expo dates March 7-9th.
Dawn and Lise to schedule meeting with Tracy Evans in January 2025 to discuss OREA online merchandise.
Dawn to check on cost of Asphalt millings for campsite parking pads. She is waiting for call back. Lise has contact to acquire second quote.
Orea election update Jodi Myers nominated by Dawn Cope. All current OREA board members nominated except Vera Kraft declined.
Volunteer hours for 2024: 3755 documented so far. Hours for 2023: 2667. Thank you everyone for your diligent reporting of hours. If you haven’t turned in all hours for yourself, please turn in to Scott.
Orea invites:
MHC Annual Meeting January 14th. OREA to give presentation. Scott, Dawn, Kenny to attend.
MHTA Annual Meeting in February. OREAto give presentation
To attend STRA meeting January 18th and give brief presentation. Dawn to contact Kris Layman re: donation. (Editor's note: Delegated to Vera)
Annual Membership meeting: January 17th, 2024.
Motion to adjourn meeting made by Scott, Dawn 2nd, all in favor.
Meeting adjourned 7:57.
OREA November 19th, 2024 Board Meeting Minutes
President: Dawn Cope
Vice-President: Vera Kraft
Secretary: Robin Bobek
Treasurer: Steve Keim
Board members:
Lise Mouthaan
Scott Cope
Angela Sherman
OREA Board Meeting
November 19th, 2024, at 6:00 pm
Google Meet
Present (virtually via Google meet): Dawn Cope, Scott Cope, Steve Keim, Vera Keim, Robin Bobek, Lise Mouthaan, Ang Sherman, Melissa DeWitt, Julie DeWitt
Meeting called to order 6:02 by President Dawn Cope.
October minutes approved. Motion to accept by Scott Cope, 2nd by Lise Mouthaan, all in favor.
Steve Keim presented Treasurer’s report. This report in its entirety is on the website for review.
Current balance $14235.95
Currently 79 memberships.
Dawn and Robin applied for credit card through Chase bank and these have been received.
Steve proposed membership in Michigan Horse Trails Association (mhta) $40.00. Motion to accept by Scott Cope, 2nd by Dawn Cope, all in favor.
Steve proposed membership in Michigan Horse Council (mhc) $80.00 enhanced membership. Motion to accept by Scott Cope, Dawn Cope 2nd, all in favor.
Steve introduced the idea of an OREA membership for hiker (non-voting) $10.00 for discussion at a future meeting (January).
Steve introduced the idea of an OREA business membership (non-voting) $50.00. Parameters for business membership to be discussed at future meeting (January).
Motion to accept Treasurer's Report by Scott Cope, 2nd by Robin Bobek, all in favor.
DNR Projects
Dawn Cope sent a thank you letter and a final project report to the DNR on OCTOBER 29TH, 2024 related to the projects recently completed on trail 3A and the High Vista trail.
Repair of bridge at river crossing between marker #1 and #2
Grind stump by picket post on campsite 11, roots above ground at campsite 10, stump by porta potty in day use area.
Install manure bunker in the campground.
Concrete installed and wood materials have been purchased.
Completion date?
Day use project approved
New sign for Day Use Area
Vault toilet: Estimate?
Vault is free!!
Cost for toilet and installation $4000.00.
DNR Friends Partnership grant for the Day Use vault toilet. Amount awarded?
DNR $2000.00 and OREA $2000.00.
New fence and gate installation at the campground entrance
Put solar well in for 2025 project approval
Cost approximately $5000.00.
Complete west side creek crossing
Creek crossing, mat put in place
Mats and limestone have been installed. This repair will be monitored to see how it holds up and if it can be a completed fix for the west side creek crossing.
Needs limestone in creek on side closest to camp
Campsite reservation system: How is it working?
All campsites are reservable for 2025
Campground usage numbers
Camping numbers: for 2023, 119 camping nights, $2380.00. 2024: 359 camping nights and $7160.00!
New gate installation at the campground entrance
DNR (Ryan) suggested fence instead of rocks bordering entrance to campground.
Possible future sign: Registered campers and guests only beyond this point.
Strategy Committee Report.
Formed February 7th, 2024. Members Steve Keim, Robin Bobek, Dawn Cope, Scott Cope.
Stop sign at the intersection of Hadley and Fox Lake
Dawn & Scott Cope, Jannette Beaver, and Julie DeWitt attended the Lapeer County Road Commission meeting on September 18th, 2024. OREA provided a presentation and handouts to the three commissioners and the county highway engineer. The engineer was asked by the commissioners to check the intersection and see what could be done.
. Dawn, Scott, Robin to go to the Lapeer County Road Commission and talk to the engineer.
Steve Keim has shared the alternate routes to avoid the Hadley & Fox Lake Rd. intersection on Facebook, Saddle Up magazine, and the OREA website.
Membership committee to recommend cost & benefits of a business membership
Membership committee on hold.
Work Bees: Need to determine the date and focus of the next work bee
Clear Autumn Olive from trails 2-3, 2-15. Use chipper.
Workbee before wham event, April 19th.
Put in corrals before WHAM event.
Workbee weekend before Poker Ride if needed.
Workbee to move rocks.
Add existing trails and trails to roads and parking areas to the official trails
Dawn will take a field trip with Stephanie (DNR).
Dawn will talk with Stephanie about opening the existing trails that connect the trail system to various roads and the possibly of getting them on the official trail map.
Build Corrals
Build Corrals: Dawn and Scott cleared areas behind sites 11 and 12 to build new corrals. Areas still need to be leveled prior to corral construction.
Identify Trail Maintenance needs:
A survey of the entire official trail system was conducted.
A report was created identifying 10 maintenance projects with a total estimated cost of $21,000.
This report was forwarded to Amy Scharmen-Burgdolf on October 21st, 2024. She presented it to the DNR leadership. It was also sent to Stephanie (DNR) and the OREA Board.
Vault Toilet for the Day Use Area (See DNR project above)
Day Use Area Project (See DNR project above)
Committees: Establish Communications, Fund Raiser/Activities, and Membership committees
Fundraiser/Activities: Chair: Angella Sherman, Leanne Sawvel, Lise Mouthaan, Dawn Cope.
Communications: Searching for potential members. Steve Keim, Dawn Cope, ???
Membership: On hold
Build Kiosk in campground west of the trail entrance
Scott to provide sketch with estimate (Currently working on it)
Confidence Course and Kids Loop
Dawn Cope, Steve Keim, and Scott Cope met with Donna Maria on November 5th, 2024 to walk the area.
Next step is to mark the Kids Loop and clear the trail.
Part of the Kid’s Loops and Confidence Course has been marked out and cleared.
Need to complete marking of Kids Loop and have work bee to clear.
Board members to walk, maybe next week.
Once clearing is completed, a meeting will be scheduled with Donna Maria to identify areas for specific obstacles.
Potential obstacles were presented to the OREA Board of Directors for consideration. Proposed obstacles are addressed in the Confidence Course Goal.
Fundraiser/Activities Committee Report
Chair: Angella Sherman, Leanne Sawvel, Lise Mouthaan, Dawn Cope.
The Activities committee met on October 29.
Schedule Activities for the 2025 Season
January Member Meeting / Banquet(Potluck)
January 17, 2025 – Friday → approve with board date change
Ortonville Hall, cost? $70→ Steve/Robin
Metamora Lions Club??? Cost involved ▪
Lise to check with Tamara for Hadley Community Church
Dawn to check on location
White Elephant (something from barn)
Ang will put “rules” together
Start advertising soon!!
WHAM Judged Trail Ride / Campout at Hadley (not an OREA event)
Friday, April 25 – Sunday, April 27
Julie Dewitt / (Kayla Barber)
Do they want us to do a flyer on our page also?
WHAM will do all except:
OREA to pull DNR permit
Memorial Day Campout / Poker Ride
Friday, May 23 – Monday, May 26
Need Advertising!
Poker Ride Saturday, May 24
Poker chips / bags
Ang can make cavas/jeans bags
iron on logo by Dawn
7 bags – different colors
Potluck Sat nite
Other events / activities?
French Toast Breakfast Sunday (Steve)
Silent Auction
Start gathering items in December / January
Donations from Big Stores (TSC/FFH/Rural King)
Everything Equine → Lise
Dawn → Covered Wagon
50/50 drawing (1/tix, $5/6 tix, $10/15tix)
Apparel Shop - YES
Night ride – find out what lights Kenny had for the Harvest Fest or borrow from DNR
Group campfire each night
DOUGHYS surprise one night!
Awards at Bonfire
Ladies Weekend Campout ??
Mel will be having MHC Ladies’ weekend on west side this year (I think)
Harvest Fest Campout w/ DNR
October 24-26
orignal date: October 17-19 (Fri-Sun) → Addison OAKS is doing theirs this weekend, we’ll need to change to following weekend
Need DNR buy-in / help
Most stuff DNR managed/setup
Apparel Shop
Other Events:
MHC Expo
March 7-9, 2025
Proposal to have table again.
Motion to accept Dawn Cope, 2nd by Steve Keim. All in favor.
Get and pay for table
MHC Expo – Nikki / Jen?
Signage, donation bucket, spin-to-win, merch
People to man the table (take turns!)
Work Bees – is this area this committee’s purview?
What areas of the trail need work
General trail maintenance
Check trails before WHAM Event
Check campground
Check day-use area
3rd Weekend in April 19th tentative (before WHAM)
Corrals before WHAM
DNR chipper?
Move the rocks
Obstacle course
Get with DM
Decide with board what we want to work on this year for obstacles
To have meeting at trail to go over what ones we want
Next Meeting Dec 10, 2024 6pm
we may need to change this, as the MHC board meeting is at 7pm (or we can keep and do before the MHC Meeting)
Saddle Up Magazine, December article done, thanks, Steve!
Tracy Evans (OREA member and organizer of the Addison Oaks Camp & Ride in October) has volunteered to set up a web store for OREA merchandise (Mainly printed materials). She does the printing for the MHC and has offered to do our printing. Scott sent her our OREA logo.
Dawn talked with Tracy at the Addison Oaks Ride, she said she has been very busy but will be getting with Dawn after the New Year to discuss this further.
Dawn and DNR are working with the Austin Streeter, Eagle Scout who is going to complete a Historical research and marker project on the Ortonville Equestrian Trail System.
Dawn and Stephanie (DNR) met with Austin on October 28th, 2024 to discuss the details of the project.
Austin was provided all the locations of the various foundations located on the trail system.
He is going to put the details of the project together and present it to his Scout Leader for approval.
Dawn will be following up with Austin once he gets approval to go forward with his proposed Eagle scout Project.
Asphalt millings for parking pads in campground?
DNR Friend Group Partnership Match Program.
They award 8 to 12 projects totaling about $100,000.
Applications are due by January 17th, 2025
Dawn to Apply.
Any other new business?
We plan to inventory facebook members to see who has heavy equipment.
MHTA board meeting (Scott attended). They are putting together packet of drawings of corrals, hitching posts, etc. Working together to help each other out.
MHC discussion hour. Scott and Dawn attended (virtual). Discussion re: how Michigan Horse Council could help local organizations.
OREA Election
Robin to put together email to send out re: upcoming election.
2025 Goals Need to be Established
Need to Status and Update 2024 Goals
2024 Accomplishments for January 2025 Meeting
Steve and Vera attended work event and worked with the Maybury Trail Riders at Maybury State Park. They took out a culvert and cleared out the creek. Trip report link below.
Harry is on the Move at Highland!
Hours and Mileage to Scott by End of Year -
The hours we report to the DNR (OREA and Horse Groups in general) influence spending on horse trails and camp areas
$716,529! These are the recorded volunteer efforts that our equestrian trail organizations of Michigan donated in volunteers hours and donations in 2023. The Michigan Horse Trails Association compiles this information every year to share with the public, legislators, and land managers. Volunteer efforts can even be used as contributions to some matching grants. OREA's contribution to that number was $127,435 - 17.8% of the total. It all adds up!!!
Can use Google Maps or similar app to determine mileage for buying supplies, going to events, etc.
Lise suggested an introduction letter for Orea to give out when appropriate. To be included: backside of membership form info and benefits of membership.
Master book of forms. It was decided that this was best done electronically.
Lise suggested name tags for events/expos.
The 2025 Volunteer and Friends Summit will take place on April 4-5 (in person only) at the Ralph A. MacMullan Conference Center. Interested participants can register now.
Ang and Mel (MHC) to possibly attend.
Brief discussion of our fb site. We are going to block Daniel Wright (ductwork ads).
Next regular meeting: December 17th, 2024.
Meeting adjourned 7:45
OREA October 15th, 2024 Board Meeting Minutes
President: Dawn Cope
Vice-President: Vera Kraft
Secretary: Robin Bobek
Treasurer: Steve Keim
Board members:
Lise Mouthaan
Scott Cope
Angela Sherman
OREA Board Meeting
October 15th, 2024, at 6:00 pm
President Dawn Cope’s Home
2050 Mountain Estates Drive,
Leonard, MI 48367
Present at meeting: Dawn Cope, Scott Cope, Vera Kraft, Steve Keim, Robin Bobek, Lise Mouthaan
Google meet attendees: Ang Sherman, Julie Dewitt, Nancy Duffy Green, Scott Dewitt, Leanne Sawvel
Meeting called to order at 6:02 p.m. by President Dawn Cope.
September minutes approved . Motion by Lise Mouthaan, 2nd by Vera Kraft, all in favor.
Steve Keim presented Treasurer’s report.
Currently 79 memberships.
Current account balance $14110.55.
Motion to accept report by Steve Keim, 2nd by Lise Mouthaan, all in favor.
This report in its entirety is on the website for review.
Strategy Committee Report.
Formed February 7th, 2024. Members Steve Keim, Robin Bobek, Dawn Cope, Scott Cope.
Stop sign at the intersection of Hadley and Fox Lake
Dawn & Scott Cope, Jannette Beaver, and Julie DeWitt attended the Lapeer County Road Commission meeting on September 18th, 2024. OREA provided a presentation and handouts to the three commissioners and the county highway engineer. The engineer was asked by the commissioners to check the intersection and see what could be done. They called last Thursday while we were on the trails monitoring the contractor’s work. We did not have a good enough signal to communicate well. Dawn will call them this week to get further details.
Steve Keim has shared the alternate routes to avoid the Hadley & Fox Lake Rd. intersection on Facebook, Saddle Up magazine, and the OREA website.
Membership committee to recommend cost & benefits of a business membership
Membership committee on hold.
Work Bees: Need to determine the date and focus of the next work bee
There will be a work bee for the corrals and the bypass trail change soon.
Add existing trails and trails to roads and parking areas to the official trails
Dawn will take a field trip with Todd and Stephanie when Todd gets back
Dawn will talk with Stephanie about opening the existing trails that connect the trail system to various roads and the possibly of getting them on the official trail map.
Build Corrals
The new corrals will be constructed on campsites 11 and 12. The area has been cleared, but still needs to be leveled prior to digging the post holes.
Identify Trail Maintenance needs:
Scott working with Stephanie on trial projects. Current projects with Equine Solutions are completed.
Vault Toilet for the Day Use Area (See DNR project above)
Day Use Area Project (See DNR project above)
Committees: Establish Communications, Fund Raiser/Activities, and Membership committees
Fundraiser/Activities: Chair: Angella Sherman, Leanne Sawvel, Lise Mouthaan, Dawn Cope.
Communications: Searching for potential members. Steve Keim, Dawn Cope, ???
Membership: On hold
Build Kiosk in campground west of the trail entrance
Scott to provide sketch with estimate (Currently working on it)
Confidence Course 1. Location between campground and day use area approved by the board at our May meeting.
Start design and clearing work in fall 2024 or spring 2025
Fundraiser/Activities Committee Report
Chair: Angella Sherman, Leanne Sawvel, Lise Mouthaan, Dawn Cope.
The Activities committee will be meeting soon and will provide recommendations for 2025 activities at our November 19th, 2024, board meeting.
Suggestions offered:
Fall Harvest Festival with DNR
Judged Trail Ride (With WHAM’s help)
CMO event
Spring Poker Ride
Spring Festival event
January membership meeting
Hunting Seasons
MHC Horse Expo
Julie DeWitt discussed Wham holding the judged trail ride this year with OREA's support. One item they might need help with is judges. This will be held April 26th.
DNR Projects
Status of DNR approval for trail projects 1, 2, 3, and 5.
Equine Solutions contractor has completed all projects
Complete west side creek crossing
Creek crossing, mat put in place. To be painted possibly and install more mats.
Mats and limestone have been installed. This repair will be monitored to see how it holds up and if it can be a completed fix for the west side creek crossing.
Repair of bridge at river crossing between marker #1 and #2
DNR to determine re: supporting bridge until repairs can be determined/done.
Temporary repair until DNR gets approval to replace/repair
Grind stump by picket post on campsite 11, roots above ground at campsite 10, stump by porta potty in day use area.
Install manure bunker at one location in the campground.
Concrete installed and wood materials have been purchased. Completion date?
Update on DNR approval of the Day Use Area project?
New sign for Day Use Area
Sign installed near the entrance of the Day Use Area.
New sign, to be re-done?
Vault toilet: Estimate?
Have existing vault that we can use
Cost for toilet and install of both?
DNR Friends Partnership grant for the Day Use vault toilet. OREA received a check on October 12 from the Michigan Horse Council for $300 to be used for the Vault Toilet project in the Day Use Area!!!
Status of WIP submitted.
Historical review?
Any update?
The port-a-potty in the day use area will be removed for the winter at the end of October.
Campsite reservation system: How is it working?
All campsites will be reservable starting October 1st, 2024.
DNR reservation system is still showing restrictions on remaining 7 campsites
Campground usage numbers
57 campsite nights in 2023. In 2024 we have 175 camping nights since 4/1 until 8/20!
40+ campsite nights for the Fall Harvest Fest!!!
New gate installation at the campground entrance
DNR (Ryan) suggested fence instead of rocks bordering entrance to campground.
Put solar well in for 2025 project approval
DNR has given OK to install corrals on two additional sites.
New sign installed at the campground entrance…….Great Job DNR!!!! It look awesome!!
Hitching posts installed in field between marker 1 and 2 for Harvest Fest Event
Possible future sign: Registered campers and guests only beyond this point.
Other Old Business
Saddle Up Magazine –
Thank you Steve for the wonderful Article for October issue.
Steve to provide Novembers Saddle Up article. Thank you Steve!
Scott will provide pictures for the new trail ribbon cutting, MHC donation and Harvest fest.
Tracy Evans (OREA member and organizer of the Addison Oaks Camp & Ride in October) has volunteered to set up a web store for OREA merchandise (Mainly printed materials). She does the printing for the MHC and has offered to do our printing. Scott sent her our OREA logo.
We have not heard from her? Dawn…Any updates?
Dawn and DNR will be working with the Eagle Scout who wants to complete a project. (Dawn talked with eagle scout Austin Streeter and they have tentatively decided to investigate providing historical markers on the trail.) More details to come.
Review of the Harvest festival event
New Trail Ribbon cutting
Trick or treating on the trails
Bobbing for apples
Picture booth
Night ride
Campfire stories
Costume contest
Campsite decorating contest
DNR made picket post area in Jossman Rd area (field).
Next year combine trick or treating with game.
Advise everyone to bring “tag” picked off trail to dinner.
Everything went off very well. The feedback was very positive from attendees. Many mentioned hope that we do this next year. Possibly 3rd weekend in October, to be confirmed by DNR.
Can we convince the DNR to take the lead like they did this year?
MHC Michigan Horse Council $300 grant for the Day Use vault toilet and $200 from the Women’s weekend event. Melissa DeWitt presented President Dawn Cope with a check at the event on Saturday.
Dawn/Scott to send thank you to MHC.
Amy Scharmen-Burgdolf (Equine Trails Subcommittee) wants to use OREA as an example for a trail improvement project presentation to the DNR. OREA will provide details of the projects just completed and other trail projects needed with cost estimates. Scott, Dawn to ride trails and put together a report for her.
Amy Scharmen-Burgdolf (Equine Trails Subcommittee) has asked OREA to provide drawings and details of hitching posts, mounting blocks, picket poles, water crossings, and manure bunkers that can be used by the DNR and other associations as they consider improvements to their trail system.
Any other new business?
Trip Report - Ionia, Waterloo, Pontiac Lake, Malabar Farm (Ohio), Mohican (Ohio)
Steve gave a report on the travels to different parks this summer. Waterloo, Ionia very unlevel for trailer parking. Let’s make Orea the exception with nice level parking. Screen millings possible solution to make that happen. $400.00 semi load. We need to find out how much is in a semi load (Dawn). Ionia not very user friendly. Pontiac Lake sites level. Other noting: We can use roads that have access to trails as part of our trails (will help increase miles). Roads used as emergency. We need to post in kiosks where to access water and dump stations.
Relook at trail going down from campground. Maybe reroute water away from trail.
New Orea map to be made after adding new trails, DNR will update.
Dawn and Scott to attend MHC meeting and report back.
Next regular meeting: November 19th, 2024. (Editor note: Meeting will be at Treasurer Steve Keim's residence at 12305 Mount Morris Rd, Columbiaville. Send note to OREA.Treasurer@gmail.com if you wish to attend in person. GPS instructions may or may not get you there!)
Motion to adjourn the meeting.
OREA September 17th, 2024 Board Meeting Minutes
President: Dawn Cope
Vice-President: Vera Kraft
Secretary: Robin Bobek
Treasurer: Steve Keim
Board members:
Lise Mouthaan
Scott Cope
Angela Sherman
OREA Board Meeting
September 17th, 2024, at 6:00 pm
Metamora-Hadley DNR Office
3871 Herd Road, Metamora, MI 48455
In person: Dawn Cope, Vera Kraft, Steve Keim, and Scott Cope
Google meet: Ang Sherman
Absent with notice: Robin Bobek and Lise Mouthaan
Meeting called to order at 6:00 pm by President Dawn Cope.
August meeting minutes approved. Motion by Scott Cope, 2nd by Steve Keim (All in favor)
Steve Keim provided the treasurer’s report.
Currently 77 memberships o Current account balance $12,851.29
Motion to approve treasure’s report by Vera Kraft, 2nd by Scott Cope (All in favor)
Strategy Committee Report.
Formed February 7th, 2024. Members Steve Keim, Robin Bobek, Dawn Cope, Scott Cope.
Stop sign at the intersection of Hadley and Fox Lake
Robin Bobek made arrangement for the OREA board to attend the Lapeer County Road Commission meeting on September 18th at 4:30 pm to discuss safety concerns with the Hadley & Fox Lake Rd. intersection. Thank you Robin!!!
Steve Keim has shared the alternate routes to avoid the Hadley & Fox Lake Rd. intersection on Facebook, Saddle Up magazine, and the OREA website.
Membership committee to recommend cost & benefits of a business membership
Membership committee on hold.
Work Bees: Need to determine the date and focus of the next work bee
There will be a work bee for the corrals and the bypass trail change soon.
Add existing trails and trails to roads and parking areas to the official trails
Dawn will take a field trip with Todd and Stephanie when Todd gets back
Dawn will talk with Stephanie about opening the existing trails that connect the trail system to various roads and the possibly of getting them on the o icial trail map.
Build Corrals
The new corrals will be constructed on campsites 11 and 12. The area has been cleared, but still needs to be leveled prior to digging the post holes.
Identify Trail Maintenance needs:
Scott working with Stephanie on trial projects
Vault Toilet for the Day Use Area (See DNR project above)
Day Use Area Project (See DNR project above)
Committees: Establish Communications, Fund Raiser/Activities, and Membership committees
Fundraiser/Activities: Chair: Angella Sherman, Leanne Sawvel, Lise Mouthaan, Dawn Cope.
Communications: Searching for potential members. Steve Keim, Dawn Cope, ???
Membership: On hold
Build Kiosk in campground west of the trail entrance
Scott to provide sketch with estimate (Currently working on it)
Confidence Course 1. Location between campground and day use area approved by the board at our May meeting.
Start design and clearing work in fall 2024 or spring 2025
Fundraiser/Activities Committee Report
Chair: Angella Sherman, Leanne Sawvel, Lise Mouthaan, Dawn Cope.
Updates on the DNR/OREA Harvest Festival October 11th,12th and 13th?
Are we doing a Poker Ride next year? If so, week need to pick a date.
DNR Projects
Status of DNR approval for trail projects 1, 2, 3, and 5.
Equine solutions on board for trail work. Cost $27,500 (DNR covering).
Scott Cope asked to assist keeping eye on project.
The contractor will complete the 4 trail projects by the end of September.
Complete west side creek crossing
Creek crossing, mat put in place. To be painted possibly and install more mats.
Status of temporary mat installation?
Repair of bridge at river crossing between marker #1 and #2
DNR to determine re: supporting bridge until repairs can be determined/done.
Temporary repair until DNR gets approval to replace/repair
Grind stump by picket post on campsite 11, roots above ground at campsite 10, stump by porta potty in day use area.
Install manure bunker at one location in the campground.
Concrete installed and wood materials have been purchased. Waiting for bug free weather to complete.
Update on DNR approval of the Day Use Area project?
New sign for Day Use Area
New sign, to be re-done?
Vault toilet: Estimate?
Have existing vault that we can use
Cost for toilet and install of both?
DNR Friends Partnership grant for the Day Use vault toilet. Amount awarded?
Status of WIP submitted.
Historical review?
Any update?
The port-a-potty in the day use area will be removed for the winter at the end of October.
Campsite reservation system: How is it working?
All campsites will be reservable starting October 1st, 2024.
Campground usage numbers
57 campsite nights in 2023. In 2024 we have 175 camping nights since 4/1 until 8/20!
New gate installation at the campground entrance
Put solar well in for 2025 project approval
DNR has given OK to install corrals on two additional sites.
Other Old Business
Steve submitted the October Saddle Up Magazine article. Thank you Steve!!!
Dawn will check with Tracy Evens to see how she is progressing with the OREA web store. Scott will respond to Lise’s email regarding the web store.
Dawn is working with Eagle Scout Austin Streeter and the DNR to determine what project he can do.
Dawn reviewed a list of items that need to be completed by the October 12th Harvest Festival.
Dawn contacted Kathy Wichman about making sign for the High Vista trail ribbon cutting.
Dawn will check DNR (Kenny) about the Saturday lunch.
Dawn will also check with DNR (Kenny) about installing a high line near the bonfire area.
OREA volunteers will be working with the DNR to complete the items.
Discussed future activities
The Activities Committee will meet to discuss and make a recommendation on possible 2025 activities to the OREA Board by the November 19th, 2024, OREA Board meeting.
Suggestions offered:
Fall Harvest Festival
Judged Trail Ride (WHAM to help)
CMO event
Spring Poker Ride
Dawn indicated that our next OREA Board meeting is scheduled for October 15th, 2024.
Meeting closed at 6:54 pm Motion by Scott Cope, 2nd by Steve Keim….All in favor.
OREA August 20th, 2024 Board Meeting Minutes
President: Dawn Cope
Vice-President: Vera Kraft
Secretary: Robin Bobek
Treasurer: Steve Keim
Board members:
Lise Mouthaan
Scott Cope
Angela Sherman
OREA Board Meeting
August 20th, 2024, at 6:00 pm
Angella Sherman’s Home
9145 Apple Orchard Drive, Fenton, MI 48430
Present: President Dawn Cope, Secretary Robin Bobek, Board Members Angella Sherman, Scott Cope, Lise Mouthaan
Members present virtually: Treasurer Steve Keim, Amy Scharmen Burgdolf
Absent: Vice President Vera Kraft, No DNR staff in attendance.
Meeting called to order 6:04
Review and approval of prior minutes. Scott Cope motioned to accept, Lise Mouthaan seconded, all in favor.
Treasurers report presented and accepted. Balance as of July 16: $12848.25. Memberships 76 (1 new). Scott Cope motioned to accept. Robin Bobek seconded, all in favor.
Strategy Committee Report.
Formed February 7th, 2024. Members Steve Keim, Robin Bobek, Dawn Cope, Scott Cope.
Stop sign at the intersection of Hadley and Fox Lake
Robin contacted the Lapeer County Road Commission. They have weekly meetings. She suggested that we attend a meeting and provide a report on our concern.
next step to attend Road commission meeting, take our pictures taken at pullout. Call ahead to see if we need to be added to agenda.
An alternative put in saddle up and to be put on website is to take Sawmill Lake road when pulling out. (WM: This was in August Saddle Up!)
Membership committee to recommend cost & benefits of a business membership
Membership committee on hold.
Work Bees: Need to determine the date and focus of the next work bee
Possibly open up trail for equine solution workers.
Add existing trails and trails to roads and parking areas to the official trails
Dawn will take a field trip with Todd and Stephanie when Todd gets back
Build Corrals
Dawn and Scott surveyed the sites and determined site 11 and 15 would be the best sites for the next two corrals.
Identify Trail Maintenance needs: Scott working with Stephanie on trial projects
Vault Toilet for the Day Use Area (See DNR project above)
Day Use Area Project (See DNR project above)
Committees: Establish Communications, Fund Raiser/Activities, and Membership committees
Fundraiser/Activities: Chair: Angella Sherman, Leanne Sawvel, Lise Mouthaan, Dawn Cope.
Communications: Searching for potential members. Steve Keim, Dawn Cope, ???
Membership: On hold
Build Kiosk in campground west of the trail entrance
Scott to provide sketch with estimate (Currently working on it)
Confidence Course 1. Location between campground and day use area approved by the board at our May meeting.
Start design and clearing work in fall 2024 or spring 2025
DNR Projects
Status of DNR approval for trail projects 1, 2, 3, and 5.
Equine solutions on board for trail work. Cost $27,500 (DNR covering).
Scott Cope asked to assist keeping eye on project.
Complete west side creek crossing
ii: Creek crossing, mat put in place. To be painted possibly and install more mats.
Repair of bridge at river crossing between marker #1 and #2
DNR to determine re: supporting bridge until repairs can be determined/done.
Grind Stump by picket post on campsite 11.
Install manure bunker at one location in the campground.
Concrete installed and wood materials have been purchased. Waiting for bug free weather to complete.
Update on DNR approval of the Day Use Area project?
New sign for Day Use Area
New sign, to be re-done?
Vault toilet: Estimate?
Have existing vault that we can use
DNR Friends Partnership grant for the Day Use vault toilet. Amount awarded?
Status of WIP submitted. Historical review?
Campsite reservation system: How is it working?
Entire campground will be reservable in 2025. (
Campground usage numbers
57 campsite nights in 2023. In 2024 we have 175 camping nights since 4/1 until 8/20!
New gate installation at the campground entrance
Put solar well in for 2025 project approval
DNR has given OK to install corrals on two additional sites.
Other Old Business
MHC Ladies Weekend recap of events: The weekend declared a success despite rain!
Saddle Up Magazine: Steve Keim submitted for September issue.
Request approval of OREA President’s paint and ribbon purchase.
. $28.96. Scott Cope motioned, Lise Mouthaan seconded, all in favor
Request for approval of $50 to purchase paint for donated corral gates.
Note: Not needed because funding for building the corrals was approved in the July meeting. This is part of that funding.
Discuss OREA President having $100 available for misc. purchases.
$100.00 approved for misc purchases for President Dawn Cope, $100.00 approved for misc purchases for fundraiser committee. Scott Cope motioned, Lise Mouthaan seconded, all in favor.
Harvest Festival tentative dates October 11, 12th.
Tracy Evans will tentatively do future apparel printing for us. We also discussed possible online store.
Lise proposed moving Judged Trail Ride to October, 2nd weekend? Check for free dates for October. Referred to Fundraiser & Activities Committee. Scott Cope motioned to accept, Lise Mouthaan seconded, all in favor.
Meeting adjourned 6:57.
Next regular meeting September 17th, 2024 at DNR office.
OREA July 16th, 2024 Board Meeting Minutes
President: Dawn Cope
Vice-President: Vera Kraft
Secretary: Robin Bobek
Treasurer: Steve Keim
Board members:
Lise Mouthaan
Scott Cope
Angela Sherman
OREA Board Meeting
July 16th, 2024, at 6:00 pm Metamora-Hadley DNR Office 3871 Herd Road, Metamora, MI 48455
Present: President Dawn Cope, Treasurer Steve Keim, Secretary Robin Bobek, Board Members Angella Sherman(virtual), Scott Cope, Lise Mouthaan
Members present virtually: Leeanne Sawvel, Angella Sherman
Absent: Vice President Vera Kraft, No DNR staff in attendance.
Meeting called to order 6:01
Review and approval of the June 18th, 2024, meeting minutes. Robin Bobek motioned to accept, Lise Mouthaan seconded, all in favor.
Review and approval of the Treasurer’s Report.
Balance is $11477.83. Scott Cope motioned to accept. Robin Bobek seconded, all in favor. This report is on the website for review.
75 members now!
Dawn Cope made a motion to close corral 8 expenses, Scott Cope seconded, all in favor.
Strategy Committee Report.
Formed February 7th, 2024. Members Steve Keim, Robin Bobek, Dawn Cope, Scott Cope.
Stop sign at the intersection of Hadley and Fox Lake
Robin contacted the Lapeer County Road Commission and emailed a report to the board members.
Next steps?
Suggestions: mow area, clean weeds, stop sign south bound hadley, study: how do we get that done? Attend road commission meeting? Provide pictures of intersection, reflective mirror? Bring to attention the increased # of campers. Robin to reconnect with road commission, come up with plan and give report at August meeting.
Membership committee to recommend cost & benefits of a business membership
Work Bees: Need to determine the date and focus of the next work bee
Workbees on hold for now.
Add existing trails and trails to roads and parking areas to the official trails
Dawn will take a field trip with Todd and Stephanie when Todd gets back
Build Corrals: Discuss location of two potential new corrals
Identify Trail Maintenance needs: Scott working with Stephanie on trial projects
Vault Toilet for the Day Use Area (See DNR project above)
Day Use Area Project (See DNR project above)
Committees: Establish Communications, Fund Raiser/Activities, and Membership committees
Build Kiosk in campground west of the trail entrance
Scott to provide sketch with estimate (Currently working on it)
Confidence Course 1. Location between campground and day use area approved by the board at our May meeting.
Start design and clearing work in fall 2024 or spring 2025
DNR Projects
Status of DNR approval for trail projects 1, 2, 3, and 5.
Trail projects 1, 2, 3, 5. $30,000 allocated.
Scott to receive quote in August.
OREA to check that its clear for them.
Cut large tree across trail between trail marker #10 and #11.
Complete west side creek crossing
Kenny to do
Repair of bridge at river crossing between marker #1 and #2
Grind Stump by picket post on campsite 11.
Install manure bunker at one location in the campground.
being worked on
Update on DNR approval of the Day Use Area project?
New sign for Day Use Area
Vault toilet
waiting on approval and cost
DNR Friends Partnership grant for the Day Use vault toilet. Amount awarded?
Status of WIP submitted. Historical review?
Campsite reservation system: How is it working?
All campsites to be on reservation system for 2025
New gate installation at the campground entrance
fall – winter installation.
Put solar well in for 2025 project approval
solar well project requested for 2025
Installed concrete walk to main vault toilet
Discuss OREA request for approval to build 2 new corrals
We are approved for these, but dnr would like it capped on corrals for now.
Money is allocated already. Steve Keim moved to build corrals, Dawn Cope seconded, all in favor.
To look at area, will possibly put them at 12, 15
Other Old Business
Saddle Up Magazine
Steve to write article for for August issue.
Noted: new staff/changes at Saddle Up.
MHC Women’s Weekend August 16th – 18th
How does OREA want to participate?
Dawn submitted event application to the DNR and received approval
OREA to put on horseshoe ride.
Lise to take pictures of models with apparel.
OREA to put on bonfire.
MHC to put on glow ride at night.
Any other new business?
No other new business
Next regular meeting to be held August 20th, 2024. To be held at Angella Sherman’s house (bring swimsuit/towel). 9145 Apple Orchard Dr., Fenton, Mi 6:00.
Meeting adjourned 7:12 pm
OREA June 18th, 2024 Board Meeting Minutes
President: Dawn Cope
Vice-President: Vera Kraft
Secretary: Robin Bobek
Treasurer: Steve Keim
OREA Board Meeting
June 18th, 2024, at 6:00 pm Metamora-Hadley DNR Office 3871 Herd Road, Metamora, MI 48455
Board members:
Lise Mouthaan
Scott Cope
Angela Sherman
Present: President Dawn Cope, Treasurer Steve Keim, Board members Angella Sherman and Scott Cope
Members present virtually: Mellisa DeWitt, Kaitlynn Tuckey
Absent: Vice President Vera Kraft, Secretary Robin Bobek, Board member Lise Mouthaan, No DNR staff in attendance.
Meeting called to order 6:08 pm.
Review and approval of prior minutes. Scott Cope motioned to accept with modifications underlined below, Dawn Cope seconded, all in favor.
m. Committees. Goal. Strategy Committee Est March 2024. Other committees proposed (see strategy report).
o. Proposed confidence course looked at and voted on to build this in the area between the campground and the day use area where it was approved by the DNR.
Treasurer’s report presented and reviewed. Balance is $10,788.05. Scott Cope motioned to accept, Ang Sherman seconded, all in favor. This report is on the website for review.
Discussion on adding an additional $500 for Cope tractor expenses. Motion by Steve Keim, 2nd by Ang Sherman….all in favor
Steve Keim made a motion to close the paint expense from March, 2nd by Scott Cope…all in favor
Dawn Cope to go to Chase Bank and see about getting an OREA credit card
Strategy Committee Report.
Formed February 7th, 2024. Members Steve Keim, Robin Bobek, Dawn Cope, Scott Cope.
Poker ride: Reviewed event
Silent auction did not go well
Do something online next year
Prepare silent auction flyer
Need to have some way to get together with those who attend event
Pot luck
Put kiosk in Day Use and Campground area
Stop sign at the intersection of Hadley and Fox Lake
Robin contacted the Lapeer County Road Commission and emailed a report to the board members.
Next steps?
Large Animal Rescue Workshop (Held in Pinkney on June 8th. Discussion on workshop) Dawn and Scott reviewed the workshop
Membership committee to recommend cost & benefits of a business membership
Work Bees: Need to determine the date and focus of the next work bee
Add existing trails and trails to roads and parking areas to the official trails
Dawn will take a field trip with Todd and Stephanie when Todd gets back
Build Corrals: A new corral was installed at campsite #8
Identify Trail Maintenance needs: Scott working with Stephanie on trial projects
Vault Toilet for the Day Use Area (DNR project)
Day Use Area Project (DNR project)
Committees: Establish Communications, Fund Raiser/Activities, and Membership committees
1. Status?
Build Kiosk in campground west of the trail entrance
Scott to provide sketch with estimate (Currently working on it)
Confidence Course
Also look into possible path for cart between the campground and day use area
Consider Special committee for confidence course project